About Us

Artykite is a space for poetry, literature and art enthusiasts. We fuse pop art with poetry to create literary merchandise. Our aesthetically designed products add the poetic vibe to your monotonous routine. We also run a literary blog which has a readership of 10,000 per month. 

Our Story

It all started as a personal pursuit to add a poetic element to our home. We created few products to decorate our personal space.

These products got rave reviews from our friends and family, which led to the inception of Artykite.

We decided to create a brand that is “cool enough” for the youth of the 21st century and yet meaningful & inspiring at the same time.

We worked day and night for months researching, creating art and unrolling the ways of doing business in India.

The result is a range of soulful, unique and aesthetically beautiful literary merchandise that you can use and gift to your loved ones.

On 21st March 2017, which is also the World Poetry Day, we launched our website to make the writings of great literary gems like Ghalib, Kabir, Iqbal, Tagore, Manto, Faiz, Premchand, Majrooh etc. available to every home, office or institution.

We design original artworks that are well thought-out and creative.

Through our products, we attempt to bring a revolution in the Indian literary merchandise market which is in dire need of reality over-flooding with fictional Superhero designs.

Our Team

A common interest in Urdu, Hindi/English Literature has brought us together to do something meaningful in order to give recognition to the forgotten literary legends.